Class Representative, Sachi [The Fruit of Grisaia]
Release Date: | 2023-05-19 |
Set Name: | The Fruit of Grisaia |
Card Number: | GRI/S72-E066 C |
Rarity: | Common |
Card Type: | Character |
Color: | Red |
Level: | 0 |
Cost: | 0 |
Soul: | 1 |
Power: | 1000 |
[CONT] All of your other “Pretend Lover, Michiru” get +1 soul.
[ACT] [(1) [REST] 2 of your characters] Put the top 2 cards of your deck into your waiting room, choose 1 level X or lower “Grisaia” character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand. X is equal to the total level of those cards. (Climax are regarded as level 0)
[ACT] [(1) [REST] 2 of your characters] Put the top 2 cards of your deck into your waiting room, choose 1 level X or lower “Grisaia” character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand. X is equal to the total level of those cards. (Climax are regarded as level 0)